Site Help

Below, you will find tutorials on how to complete various tasks on the course website, including how to write a post, and how to add media (image, pdf, mmp3, and/or video) to the site. For more information on using wordpress, speak to your instructor or browse or for more information and free tutorials.

How to write a post

Each week, you will be expected to submit at least one post in response to a question or discussion prompt provided by Professor Klich. Here are the steps to posting your response:

  1. On the left menubar, go to Posts > Add New. Alternately, from the top ggrey menu, you can choose New –> Post.
  2. Give your post a title and type away!! Be sure to spell check and use proper formatting.
  3. CATEGORIZE: After you are finished, be sure to assign your post the appropriate category that is listed on the right. The category should correspond with the date the assignment was given and the topic. For example, your first assignment should be assigned the categories “##1 – What is Sustainability?″ Do NOT assign your own category; just choose from the selections available.
  4. PUBLISH: Be sure to click “Publish” to see that your post can be seen on the website.
  5. To see your post as it appears on the webpage, go to the Home page and click under the Categories in which you assigned your post.

How to upload media (image, pdf, mmp3, and/or video) from your computer to a post

You can upload the images into a media gallery directly, then insert them.  But here’s the scoop on loading photos and plugging them into a post directly:
  1. Open up a new post.
  2. Below the title entry line is a line that says Upload/Insert.  Click the small square box to the right for Media.
  3. An “Add media” window opens.
  4. Upload the photo you would like.  You can select from a file or drag and drop. Remember to properly cite the source.
  5. The photo image, pdf document, mp3, or vide will aappear in the post.  Now scroll down and choose tthe size of the image or video if applicable.
  6. Click the “Insert into Post” button and there it is.
As for adding photos directly to the post, just hit space or enter and you can photos next to one another or above and below.

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