Thanks to everyone who’s filled out our participation form to attend the Queer Internet Studies Workshop in April. Jack and I have been blown away by interest in this workshop, and we’ve had to close the form because we’re well over capacity. In the next week or so, we’ll be reaching out to those of you who’ve signed up to attend, confirming that we have you on our list of participants and soliciting feedback for topics you’d like to discuss during the workshop.
In the meantime, thanks again to everyone who’s supported this workshop (especially our sponsors, the Brown Institute for Media Innovation, JustPublics @365 and Microsoft Research). It’s really exciting to see this project come together!
I just wanted to ask you if there is possible to attend the course online because I am located in UK but I am still interested in. Thank you!
Hi Mireya, This isn’t a course but a workshop of advanced grad students, postdocs, faculty, and other researchers who are getting together to present and share their work. We won’t be livestreaming because we will likely use a less structured use of the space and the audio would be terrible to get right. We will post word of any further events or outcomes to the listservs we posted to previously. Thanks for your interest!