NYC is Merely Kind of “Green” — But What is Green?

What is green enough? And what is “green”? Who gets to decide? Debates continue but perhaps aren’t as clear as we think they are. Here is a deeper look at the state of NYC’s efforts to go green.

Changing Cities: New York Goes Green…Kind Of

By Carrie Halperin

Jul 29, 2012 4:41pm

gty times square billboards jt 120729 wblog Changing Cities: New York Goes Green...Kind Of

(George Rose/Getty Images)

In the heart of New York City, among the flash and dazzle of Times Square, there is one sign that is at once a boast and an unintentionally sad reminder of how far the city is from Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ambitious plan for a greener city.

On the billboard, right underneath the bold words “imagination is what drives us to change,” is the announcement: ”Times Square’s only solar powered billboard.”

In all honesty, it’s a gimmick: America is not driving into a green world — at least not quite yet.

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